There is so much of the world around us that we routinely shut off or filter out.  I think it’s a self defense mechanism to avoid overload or total confusion.  We cannot be aware of everything all of the time and some things we are not even capable of being aware of at all.  My work tries to capture the fleeting moments, the stuff that exists in the shadows of the mind as a mix of reality, insanity, humor, images of dreams and the kinds of things we see out of the corner of our eyes for a brief second.

    Changing, moving and evolving.  My favorite moment in the process of making work is just before a piece is finished.  When making a sculpture I try to allow for the unexpected and to remain flexible in my interpretation of the work. I try to let the process of creation itself direct me. Combining glass with materials such as wood, rubber, fur, carpet, metal, sponge, roofing singles and practically anything else I can get my hands on, I create abstract hybrid constructions and compositions that mimic the real world. These compositions are often combined to create environments in which the viewer can become immersed. 

   When entering one of my installations the viewer is placed in an environment in which the sculptures dominate and control the space. By creating this environment I am able to reverse the traditional viewer/art-work relationship.  My installations encourage the viewer to consider the importance of context and its effect on the interpretation of objects.

Comfortable Jargon

Comfortable Jargon

Absent Minded Utillity

Absent Minded Utillity

The Lure of Nervous Energy

The Lure of Nervous Energy

Sculpture 1989-2010

Sculpture 1989-2010